Our services

In our laboratory we perform analytical, chemical and microbiological tests, produce customized solutions or sell packaging material for pharmaceutical purposes.

All services at one place

Analytical tests

Our control laboratory offers various types of tests from drug testing to microbial contamination testing.

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Prodej obalového materiálu

Sales of packaging material

We offer the sale of packaging material – bottles, rubber stoppers and pertle caps.

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Icon of bottle

Contract manufacturing

Contract manufacturing of non-sterile liquid pharmaceuticals. GMP-certified, custom solutions, private labeling.

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Analytical tests

We perform the following analytical tests:

  • for purity for Aqua purificata and Aqua pro iniectione according to Art:
    • conductivity – conductivity, total organic carbon – TOC
      bacterial endotoxins – LAL, assessment of contamination by particles below the visibility limit
    • sterility tests
    • microbial contamination tests and other analyses as require
    • conduct physical, physicochemical and chemical tests on drugs, medicinal substances and other excipients.

Services / sales of packaging material

We offer the sale of packaging material in the following packages:

  • bottles (light DIN -100, 250 and 500 ml)
  • rubber stoppers
  • pertle caps


Ing. Tereza Tůmová
Tel: +420 737 325 325
Email: t.tumova@ardeapharma.cz

Markéta Jiráková, Filip Ardamica
Tel: +420 389 019 172
Email: prodej@ardeapharma.cz


+420 389 019 160

Where to find us

Třeboňská 229, 373 63 Ševětín, CZ



Warehouse operating hours

Mo - Fri: 6 am - 2 pm