Overview of our products
We specialize in the production of injectable, infusion and other aqueous solutions filled into glass containers.
![roztoky Ardeapharma roztoky_ardeapharma](https://www.ardeapharma.cz/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/roztoky.png)
The page you are about to enter is intended only for medical professionals within the meaning of Section 2a of Act No. 40/1995 Coll., on Advertising Regulation, as amended, as the materials contained in this part of the site are intended exclusively for such persons. A healthcare professional is a person who is authorised to prescribe or dispense medicinal products for human use. By accessing the Site, you acknowledge that you have read the definition of a health care professional under the Act and that you are a health care professional as defined in the Act. You acknowledge that you are aware of the risks to which you would expose yourself if you were not a health care professional and accessed the Site, such as the risk of misunderstanding information about the use of specific medicinal substances and medicinal products, the treatment of specific diseases and conditions, and the risk of misjudging your own health or the health of another person, which may have a negative impact on your health or the health of another person.
Product categories
Below you will find all our product categories from intestinal concentrates to solutions for parenteral nutrition to solutions affecting electrolyte balance.
Ionic concentrates
![Iontové koncentráty Ardeapharma Iontové koncentráty Ardeapharma](https://www.ardeapharma.cz/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/iontove_koncentraty.png)
Local anaesthetics
![lokalni_anestetika Lokální anestetika Ardeapharma](https://www.ardeapharma.cz/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/lokalni_anestetika.png)
Solutions afecting acidbase balance
![roztoky_ovlivnujici_acidobazickou_rovnovahu Roztoky ovlivňující acidobazickou rovnováhu Ardeapharma](https://www.ardeapharma.cz/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/roztoky_ovlivnujici_acidobazickou_rovnovahu.png)
Solutions inducing osmotic diuresis
![roztoky_ vyvolavajici_osmotickou_diurezu Roztoky vyvolávající osmotickou diurézu Ardeapharma](https://www.ardeapharma.cz/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/roztoky_-vyvolavajici_osmotickou_diurezu.png)
Solutions for parenteral nutrition
![roztoky_pro_parenteralni_vyzivu Roztoky pro parenterální výživu Ardeapharma](https://www.ardeapharma.cz/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/roztoky_pro_parenteralni_vyzivu.png)
Cardioplegic solution
![kardioplegicky_roztok Kardioplegický roztok Ardeapharma](https://www.ardeapharma.cz/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/kardioplegicky_roztok.png)
Aqua pro iniectione
![aqua_pro_inectione Aqua pro inectione Ardeapharma](https://www.ardeapharma.cz/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/aqua_pro_inectione.png)
Solutions affecting electrolyte balance
![roztoky_ovlivnujici_rovnovahu_elektrolytu Roztoky ovlivňující rovnováhu elektrolytů](https://www.ardeapharma.cz/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/roztoky_ovlivnujici_rovnovahu_elektrolytu.png)